VO Voucher login screen

Project information

The Flemish government is the devolved government for the Dutch speaking part of Belgium, Flanders. The government was planning to roll out a wireless network in all their administrative buildings, and wanted to provide the visiting public with wireless access to the internet. Additionally, several independent government entities should be able to use the wireless network to access their own IT systems, using 8021.x, VLAN and MPLS network separation.


FlexCoders designed linux based appliances running FreeRadius to provide the authentication backend for this wireless network, provided the web-based management software for these appliances, and designed and created a self-registration and voucher system for visitors (as providing anonymous internet access wasn't allowed by law).

Project challenges

  •  The unprecedented scale of the project
  •  The very tight 6 month deadline

A change of management and the fact wireless access in public places is a commodity now, this project was discontinued by the client, if favour of a product from a big network and security vendor.

  • Date:2014-2015
  • Services:Web development, Linux OS, Hardware
  • Client:Flemish Government
  • Location:Brussels, Belgium
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